Methamphetamine is a serious health and safety threat to users, their families and the community. NCPC partners with the San Diego County Methamphetamine Strike Force to educate our communities about their responsibilities to deal with meth use and its related consequences.
San Diego residents are able to report suspected meth-related crimes anonymously via the San Diego County Meth Hotline: 1-877-NO-2-METH. The hotline will forward information to local law enforcement for follow up.
In addition, the misuse of prescription drugs in San Diego County continues to be a growing problem. The majority of prescription-related overdose deaths are unintentional. The San Diego Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force (PDATF) is a Countywide initiative comprised of key stakeholders, community members, and local experts working together to decrease the harms associated with the misuse of prescription drugs in San Diego. County.
Also, NCPC supports Crime Free Multi-Housing programs in our area. CFMH is a program that partners law enforcement, multi-unit housing property owners and residents to reduce the likelihood of crime in the area and reduce the number of visitors to the property with criminal intent.
NCPC works with a variety of partners in the area to promote safe neighborhoods and efforts to steer users to treatment.