
North Coastal Prevention Coalition Hosting Community Meeting to Share Concerns about Alcohol Advertising on Public Land and Encourage Public Discussion

WHAT: The North Coastal Prevention Coalition (NCPC), in partnership with community leaders, invite the media to cover a community meeting to discuss a proposal by the City of Vista to locate two digital billboards on State Route 78 to increase city revenue by an estimated $300,000 to $400,000 annually. NCPC and others have several concerns about the plan, including the possibility that public land could be used for alcohol advertising.

Workshops for nearby residents of the proposed billboard locations, set by the City of Vista to take place July 9, were later canceled. Given that the billboards are designed to reach over 130,000 travelers daily, NCPC is encouraging broader public discussion and input.  City officials have been invited to attend this meeting to answer questions about the proposal from the community. Feedback from residents will be submitted to the city council.

WHEN:           6 P.M. – 7 P.M, Wednesday, July 31, 2013

WHERE:        Vista Library Community Room, 700 Eucalyptus Avenue, Vista, CA 92084

WHO:             Aaron Byzak, President, North Coastal Prevention Coalition

                        Various community resident groups

WHY: In 2010, underage-drinking related incidents cost California $6.8 billion, according to the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation. Locally, more than 15,500 drivers were arrested for DUI in San Diego County in 2011 and alcohol contributed to the injury or death of more than 1,800 residents in 2009.

Alcohol is an estimated $116 billion-per-year industry in the United States. Underage drinkers alone are responsible for 20 percent of all alcohol consumed and 19 percent, or $22.5 billion, of alcohol industry revenues. For every dollar spent on alcohol advertising, the percentage of underage drinking jumps by 3 percent, and notably, media markets with less alcohol advertising show a corresponding dip in underage drinking.

Other governmental agencies have already banned alcohol advertising on public property, including: North County Transit District, the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System, the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority, the City of Sacramento (for digital billboard agreements) and the City of Philadelphia.

*funded in part by the County of San Diego, Health and Human Services Agency, Behavioral Health Services

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