10th Annual 420 Remix Honors Young Filmmakers for Promoting Drug-Free Living


WHAT:  The 10th Annual 420 Remix: A Celebration of Sober and Drug Free Life Choices to premiere and judge 12 powerful, anti-marijuana Public Service Announcements produced by middle and high-school students from throughout San Diego County. Grand prizes are worth $500 for individual and $1,000 for group awardees. The youth-focused event serves a healthy alternative to the marijuana-smoking day.

WHO: The North Coastal Prevention Coalition and PSA contest participants

WHEN: 2 p.m., Saturday, April 20, 2013

WHERE:  Community Room (downstairs) Tri-City Medical Center, 4002 Vista Way, Oceanside

WHY: Youth marijuana use has been on the rise since 2009. Fewer youth believe that frequent marijuana use is harmful as more youth report using marijuana in the past month, according to the California Healthy Kids Survey. 

The contest is co-sponsored by San Diego County Friday Night Live, Oceanside Unified School District, the Boys and Girls Club of Oceanside, and Natural High as a way to involve youth in thinking critically about what messages would influence their peers against marijuana use, and to tap into their creativity.

Learn more about the 420 Remix PSA Contest at https://northcoastalpreventioncoalition.org.

About North Coastal Prevention Coalition (NCPC)

The North Coastal Prevention Coalition aims to reduce the harm of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drugs in the cities of Carlsbad, Oceanside and Vista through community action, education, support and collaboration. Funded in part by the County of San Diego, HHSA, Behavior Health Services; by SAMHSA though the STOP Act; and by the Tri-City Hospital Foundation and Walmart Foundation with grants to Vista Community Clinic.

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Public Invited to Film Premiere of Youth Anti-Marijuana Videos